Trusted by parents. Recommended by experts.

Play Roly Leadership Team

Play Roly Board Member Dr. Linda Seigel

Dr. Linda Siegel

Board member, Dr. Linda Siegel, is a distinguished scholar, internationally recognized as an authority in the field of reading research and learning disabilities in children. She is the author of Not Stupid Not Lazy published by the International Dyslexia Association.
Morgan Sturdy Play Roly Co-Founder & Board Member

Morgan Sturdy

Founder, Morgan Sturdy, was a pioneer in the tech sector in Vancouver, BC, with over 30 years of executive experience. He has served on multiple corporate boards, and chaired the boards of BC Tech, VEF, and Science World
Lisa Sturdy Teaching the Way They Learn Co-Founder

Lisa Sturdy

Founder, Lisa Sturdy, was a commercial real estate agent in Vancouver for 13 years. She co-founded CBRE Vancouver’s High Technology Facilities Group in 1995, advising technology companies on their commercial real estate.

Play Roly Board Member Audrey Ple

Audrey Plé

Marketing and communications professional Audrey Plé has led multiple successful and innovative marketing strategies utilizing her solid marketing experience and creative energy to affect market leadership and establish stakeholder loyalty.


Play Roly is the result of countless hours from patient educators, reading experts, early childhood professionals, marketing experts, and parents sharing their valuable expertise and insight to help us effectively reach preschool-age children. Many of you are friends who have heard about our passion project for the past five years or more.  


We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of our treasured volunteers who have provided input and volunteered their time and expertise to bring Play Roly to life. 


In addition to Dr. Linda Siegel, we also extend particular thank yous to the talented filmmaker, Sheona McDonald, to Audrey Plé of Magenta Marketing, Andy Talbot and Tim Botham of Aqua M&A, and to Eileen Huster for her support and time with our website and marketing. Also to cast members Rose, Bruce, and Erica Massey; Charlotte Stanimir and Ceri Oaten; Lawson and Kara Wolstenholme with preschool teacher Karen Carter; Weston, Foster, and Krista Gruen; and Katie Brock on guitar. Also to Lisa Fairburn and Barb Quinn for creating our original postcard and Cole Nakatani of IdeaHack for helping us modify our original website. And to cast members Courtney and Willow McKenzie for being the first to test our sing-along Play Roly version of Play Roly and creating art for us.

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