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Play Roly materials

Teaching tools for teachers and parents


The following worksheets are helpful tools designed to work together with the Play roly videos. By reviewing the relevant worksheet before you Play Roly with your child, it ensures kids understand the meaning of Roly’s words. Instructions are provided on the back of each sheet.

Decodable Books

The following decodable books can be shared with children upon completion of Play Roly. Watch your kids start to read.

  • Encourage your child to snuggle up and read to you
  • You can help your child to sound out the words or remember the letter sounds if needed
  • Let us know how it went by clicking the contact button below and sending us an email

Branding resources

We invite you to share Play Roly with other parents, teachers, and reading advocates. If reproducing our materials, we ask that you adhere to our brand guidelines.

Hear from a happy Mom
My five-year old) daughter read me her first book the other day! Play Roly was a huge help to her. She could remember letter sounds easily, but she struggled to blend them together. Now when she gets stuck on a word, she will sing the word, as if playing with Roly, to figure it out. I also have a three-year-old daughter. I found it's a great game to do with the kids together, as they both enjoy singing the song and playing the game.
Hear from a happy Son
Play Roly was a huge help to her. She could remember letter sounds easily, but she struggled to blend them together. Now when she gets stuck on a word, she will sing the word, as if playing with Roly, to figure it out. I also have a three-year-old daughter. I found it's a great game to do with the kids together, as they both enjoy singing the song and playing the game.

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