Play Roly 5: Sound out the letters
What you’ll need
A device to play Play Roly videos, your Roly-ball, your mini Roly-ball, and your book or pages from earlier Play Roly activities.
How to play
- Sit on the floor with your book or pages, Roly-ball, and mini Roly-ball
- Write that day’s words in your child’s book or on a blank page
- Play the first Play Roly 5 video, roll your Roly-ball back and forth, and learn the second part of the Play Roly song
- When the three-letter sounds are sung, invite your child to roll the mini Roly-ball across the letters in the book as he/she sings the letter sounds
- Ask your child what the letter sounds say? The letters speak just like Roly!
- Complete all six videos, one daily
- If your child is having difficulty blending, we recommend you return to Play Roly 1 videos for more practice
What to expect
In Play Roly 5, we introduce new letter sounds and words to your child. We expect some children to return to Play Roly 1 to gain extra practice. Don’t worry if this happens, your child is building confidence ready to become a reader.
Play a Play Roly 5 Video
Roly Play
Roly Play
Roly Play
Roly Play
Roly Play
Roly Play
- fit
- fun
- nest
- red
- rest
- run
Got questions?
Go through all the videos in Play Roly 5.
Do not be concerned. Try going back to the beginning of the Play Roly 1 videos to ensure your child can blend verbally. If he/she can, pause the video in Play Roly 5 when it asks the child what the letters say. While the video is paused, sing the sounds again with your child, encouraging him/her to watch your lips and sing the way Roly sings. You can repeat several times. Your child may go through Play Roly 5 and 6 videos a few times before really understanding how to sound out letters to read words.
Move to Play Roly 6 when your child easily and consistently understands what the letters are saying or when you have played all the Play Roly 5 videos.