Play Roly 6: A playful start to decoding words on your own
What you’ll need
A device to play Play Roly videos, the letter sound videos below, your book or pages from earlier Play Roly activities, your Roly-ball, and a marker pen.
How to play
- Sit about six feet apart with your book and access to the video sound letters below
- Write the words for today in your child’s book or on a blank page
- Play the Play Roly 6 video and roll Roly back and forth
- Ask your child to match the letters in his or her book with the letter sound videos, play each letter sound once, and afterward, roll your Roly-ball back and forth and remind your child the way Roly exaggerates the 3 letter-sounds, without breaks or breaths between his sounds
- After the three letter sound videos have played, sing the three sounds a second time on your own the way Roly sings them with no pauses or breaks between the sounds—help your child remember the letter sounds if needed
- After each word, ask your child what the letter sounds are saying
- Start with the “sit sad sad” and “mad mud men” videos (write the words in your book)
- Next, do the “fat fin fit” and “rat run red” videos (write the words in your book)
- Finally, read more than one word per page in Story 1 and Story 2 (write these in your book)
- If your child cannot sound out the words with help two times, we recommend you start the Play Roly 1 videos again for more practice
What to expect
Do one video session per day. Have high-fiving fun. Move through all the videos until your child can read stories 1 and 2. Congratulations—your child is starting to read—just like Roly! We expect most children will need to return to Play Roly 1 several times to gain extra practice. Don’t worry if this happens, your child is building confidence to be ready to become a reader
Play a Play Roly 6 Video
Roly Play
"fat fin fit"
Roly Play
"mad mud men"
Roly Play
"rat run red"
Roly Play
"sit sat sad"
Roly Play
"story 1"
Roly Play
"story 2"
fat fin fit
- fat fin fit
- mad mud men
- rat run red
- sit sat sad
- story 1
- story 2
Letter Sound Videos
Roly’s letter sound videos tell you what the letters have to say!
First Sounds
Play Video
Play Video
Play Video
Play Video
First Sounds
Play Video
Play Video
Play Video
Play Video
Last Sounds
Play Video
Play Video
Play Video
Play Video
Got questions?
Play the Play Roly 6 videos once daily until your child can understand the letter sounds and say the words. Be sure to have high-fiving fun.
- After the program is finished, your child may want to read their book to other family members, their toys, or on their own
- Roly has created three easy decodable readers that your child will be ready to start reading:
What's next? Free decodable readers
- Encourage your child to snuggle up and read to you
- You can help your child to sound out the words or remember the letter sounds if needed
- Let us know how it went by clicking the contact button below and sending us an email
Hear from a happy Mom
My five-year old) daughter read me her first book the other day! Play Roly was a huge help to her. She could remember letter sounds easily, but she struggled to blend them together. Now when she gets stuck on a word, she will sing the word, as if playing with Roly, to figure it out. I also have a three-year-old daughter. I found it's a great game to do with the kids together, as they both enjoy singing the song and playing the game.
Hear from a happy Son
Play Roly was a huge help to her. She could remember letter sounds easily, but she struggled to blend them together. Now when she gets stuck on a word, she will sing the word, as if playing with Roly, to figure it out. I also have a three-year-old daughter. I found it's a great game to do with the kids together, as they both enjoy singing the song and playing the game.