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Play Roly 3: Connecting pictures to Roly's letter sounds


What you’ll need 

A device to play Play Roly videos, your Roly-ball, and your book or pages from the Play Roly 2 activity.

How to play

  • Sit on the floor facing each other about six feet apart
  • The game continues as before, but this time, it’s your child’s turn to make Roly’s letter sounds!  
  • Let your child choose a Roly-word from one of their drawings in his/her book
  • Pause the video when your child sings Roly’s three letter sounds, and now you guess what Roly is saying
  • Let your child choose if he/she wants to play Play Roly 3 again. If not, move to Play Roly 4
  • If your child wants to try again, repeat until your child has chosen all six words in his/her book

What to expect

If your child loves choosing Roly’s sounds, that’s terrific—he/she is building important skills for future reading and spelling. If not, that is absolutely fine, simply move on to Play Roly 4. You can always come back to this game at the end if your child wants to.

Play a Play Roly 3 video

Roly Play


"Choose Roly's Sounds"

Choose Roly's Sounds

  • Choose Roly's Sounds

Got questions?

Play Roly 3 for as long as your child enjoys it. Your child can choose Roly’s sounds for one word or all six Roly-words in his/her book. When your child no longer wants to play Play Roly 3, move to Play Roly 4.

Hear from a happy Mom
My five-year old) daughter read me her first book the other day! Play Roly was a huge help to her. She could remember letter sounds easily, but she struggled to blend them together. Now when she gets stuck on a word, she will sing the word, as if playing with Roly, to figure it out. I also have a three-year-old daughter. I found it's a great game to do with the kids together, as they both enjoy singing the song and playing the game.
Hear from a happy Son
Play Roly was a huge help to her. She could remember letter sounds easily, but she struggled to blend them together. Now when she gets stuck on a word, she will sing the word, as if playing with Roly, to figure it out. I also have a three-year-old daughter. I found it's a great game to do with the kids together, as they both enjoy singing the song and playing the game.

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