Trusted by parents. Recommended by experts.

Kilpatrick, Ehri, and Shanahan agree that there is substantial evidence showing a clear benefit from explicitly teaching young readers to perceive the sounds (phonemes) within spoken words and to link these sounds with letters and spelling patterns. Getting kids to the point of full segmentation in phonological awareness (PA) is a reasonable goal for regular […]

The alphabet song

The alphabet song is important because it teaches the child the names of twenty-six categories of objects. That proves useful as they gather data about their visual properties, sounds, and combinational statistics, solving the letter-recognition problem.” —Dr. Mark Seidenberg from his book Language at the Speed of Sight: How We Read, Why So Many Can’t, and […]

Practice with speech

Practice with speech sound manipulations at an early age improves both phonemic awareness and reading scores.” —Dr. Stanislas Dehaene from his book Reading in the Brain: The New Science of How We Read (2009)

When children discover

When children discover a critical fact, that letters correspond to sounds that make up spoken words, their approach to both reading and spelling shifts.” —Dr. Louisa Cook Moats from her book Speech to Print: Language Essentials for Teachers (2020)

Phonological awareness

Phonological awareness training can really help all children become better readers.”  – Dr. Linda Siegel, author of Not Stupid, Not Lazy: Understanding Dyslexia and Other Learning Disabilities (2016)

When children discover

“When children discover a critical fact, that letters correspond to sounds that make up spoken words, their approach to both reading and spelling shifts.” —Dr. Louisa Cook Moats from her book Speech to Print: Language Essentials for Teachers (2020)